
Click on a category to view all its associated Tasks, or click on a Task to view it on an individual page.
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Policy related tasks

Build up, support and maintain a network of partner institutions (and organisations/companies) including negotiating the content of collaboration agreements
Advise on, set up, and maintain the administration of collaboration agreements with partner institutions
Apply for/ manage/report (mobility) funding at institutional level
Advise on, set up, and maintain an administrative system that includes mobility flows (student registration system, DS, ToR)
Initiate and ensure institutional compliance with ECTS
Initiate and support curriculum reform for the purpose of mobility (mobility windows, exchange programmes, etc.)
Manage, support, and advise on international collaborative study programmes (e.g. Erasmus Mundus, joint programmes)

Student related tasks - before mobility

Raise awareness about the institutional internationalisat-ion strategy and (mobility) opportunities
Advise students about international mobility as part of study programme and/or personal learning pathway
Inform students about study abroad opportunities and relevance (where, when, etc.)
Inform students about and support mobility procedures (e.g. grant application, approval of student’s learning agreement, etc.)
Execute or support the selection of students for specific study places or opportunities, incl. pre-departure assessment of language skills and other pre-requisites
Provide assistance to incoming and outgoing students related to insurance, visa, accommodation, funding, (international) travel etc.
Advise on, (co-) organise, or support pre-departure activities for outgoing students (e.g. to increase intercultural skills, language skills)

Student related tasks - during mobility

Provide direct response and (tailored) assistance in case of travel, medical, political, or social crisis situations for incoming and outgoing students
Monitor and supervise/mentor outgoing students during the period abroad
Provide appropriate (introduction) activities and guidance for incoming students
Support the integration of incoming students into the institution and social life of host town (e.g. buddy programme)

Student related tasks - after mobility

Provide Transcripts of Records for incoming students
Recognition of credits obtained abroad by outgoing students and grade conversion
Support the reintegration of outgoing students into the home university

Cross-cutting tasks

Communicate and collaborate with relevant parties within the university (including student organisations) concerning the needs of incoming and outgoing students
Communicate and collaborate with partner institutions concerning the needs of incoming and outgoing students
Administer mobility grant applications (registration of application, grant awarding, administration in appropriate registration and monitoring systems, e.g. Mobility Tool)
Interact with the Erasmus National Agency and other relevant parties re. the management of funding programmes
Interact with (foreign) embassies and consulates, governmental authorities, and other key stakeholders (housing authorities, banks, insurance companies, etc.)
Maintain appropriate communication related to incoming and outgoing mobility through web pages and social media
Initiate and support institutional and departmental data management & analysis, quality assurance, monitoring
Remain up-to-date on relevant developments in (higher) education in a national and global context, in particular re. Internationalisation